Are these 3 things destroying your over 50’s Dating Life?

Bored Woman Over 40 on a date#1 . . . Dating falls flat when your dating mojo is missing…

As confident as you might feel at work – and why wouldn’t you be? You’ve been doing it forever and you’ve learned the tools and developed the resources that make you good at what you do – this confidence doesn’t translate to how you might feel today as a woman over 50 stepping into the dating world. 

Yikes…this part of your life means having to meet new men who might judge you or not like you.  Pretty scary!

I’ve had clients who were powerhouses in their chosen fields.

If you asked them what their confidence level was on a scale from 1-10, it would be 10+++ but asked the same question about dating, the number often plummeted to 2 or even into negative numbers.

As we all know, our bodies and our faces have changed with age.

In such a youth-oriented culture, it’s easy to forget just how amazing you really are at this time in your life.

And you really are!

You have wisdom and a passion for life from knowing who you are and what you bring to the world.

This is called inner beauty and it’s something that makes you glow from the inside out enhancing your outer beauty.

This whole package is something young women don’t have yet.

It’s also something men are highly attracted to in the women they want to date.

Your job is to find your inner beauty and bring it out into the world for all to see.


#2 . . . You’re only looking for a George Clooney type of guy who is handsome and rich and yet, you’re finding his clone doesn’t exist…

The last time you dated, chances are the guys you were attracted to looked a lot different than those faces you see online today.

The men of our youth were young, hot, had longer hair, toned bodies, and handsome faces.

Where are they now?

Well, I’ll let you in on a secret… they are the over 50’s men you see online with grey hair, glasses, and bellies who want to date you.

And what you are probably thinking when you look at them is, my friends tell me I look young and these men look so old.

George and the men who look like him have one thing going for them you can see right away…they are handsome on the outside.

But it doesn’t mean they are always great guys on the inside.

That’s a story we’ve made up about the beautiful people. . . . if they are beautiful, they must be the best.

It’s not necessarily true.

What’s in a man’s heart and how he treats a woman is what really counts.

Some of those older-looking, grey-haired, fuddy-duddies are amazing men that women pass over daily.

They may be far more fun, caring, and loving than you think.

Turn your over 50’s dating life around by giving one of them a chance.

He may turn out to be a great catch.


#3 . . . You expect to feel instant chemistry to go out with a man again…

Want to know what chemistry really is?

It’s a hormonal release that started back in the caveman days.

It meant this person was a potential mate for making strong babies that could survive the brutal elements of the time.

It’s useful even today for young adults who are looking for a mate to build a life with including children, the dog, and the house.

But over 50’s dating is different.

This part of your life is not about building like it was in your 20’s.

It’s about finding someone to share a good life with who will make a great companion for you.

And who will be there, who has your back like you’ll have his?

Someone who wants to make you happy and your life easier.

When you have this, it’s like the icing on the cake….it makes your life that much sweeter.

If it wasn’t for Lisa’s program, I’d have passed up my guy

I am happy to report I met a great guy. I truly believe I am falling in love (I have never felt this way about someone before, not even my ex-husband when we were in the good years), and that we are exclusive and leading into intimacy together.

I feel like a teenager! (A friend told me I look giddy!)

I cannot believe how great this feels!. It’s hard to believe but I ALMOST PASSED HIM BY on Match because I didn’t think he was my type! What I would have missed if I hadn’t had a Quality Man Template! The Dating Strategies I learned from you helped me see how great he is. Thank you!!!! Lisa, Minnesota

Dating doesn’t have to be as hard as you might be making it.

If finding your special guy is on your dream list this year, let’s set up a time to talk about how to make it happen.

Just click here to tell me about what’s been going on in your love life then we can set up a time to talk about how you can make dating after 50 far more fun and easy.


Believing in You!


Your Next Steps to Love after 50. . . .

💞 Feeling like you are on a merry-go-round of mismatched dates? Lets press pause and talk about how we can write a new love story for you. Click here to start our conversation. Tell me your story – I am here to listen and guide you towards meeting someone truly special.

If you are still gearing up for that step, I have plenty of insights and inspiration for you:

1. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for heartfelt dating wisdom and uplifting success stories from women who have been just where you are. They found love, and so can you. Click here to watch and learn.

2. Discover a new chapter in your dating life with my book, "The Winning Dating Formula." It is more than a book; it is your journey to love mapped out. And it is just a click away on Amazon. Click here and start attracting the love you deserve.

3. Join our Finding Love after 50 Facebook group to find camaraderie and connection. It is a warm and welcoming space to share your journey and receive support every step of the way. Click here to become part of our community.

4. On the lookout for a dating site that resonates with you? Browse through my personal selection of the best dating sites tailor-made for fabulous over 50s. Click here and say goodbye to guesswork.

Let these resources be your steppingstones to a love life filled with promise and joy. When you are ready, I am here to take that journey with you. Together, lets find your Mr. Right! 🌹

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