3 Huge Mistakes Women Over 50 Make That Keep Them From Getting The Relationship They Want


an over 50 couple on a date at a restaurantMistake #1 – Looking For An Instant Attraction

What’s the first thing you want to feel when you meet a new man?




You’re not alone when it comes to wanting this.


The problem is Instant Attraction is a chemical reaction of hormones your body releases when it feels the sizzle with the man across the table.


And if that sizzle is really HOT… it may feel good but it’s a red flag because this type of chemistry is NOT SUSTAINABLE.


There’s no denying it…Instant Attraction is great for having sex.


But life doesn’t just happen in the bedroom.


To get the long term relationship you want, make sure the man you feel the strong sizzle with can also be there for you as your friend and your companion to share the ups and downs of life.


So the next time you go on a date with a man who doesn’t necessarily cause you to sizzle – but is really a good guy who treats you well – give him a chance.

You’d be surprised how attractive a man can become once you’ve gotten to know him.


Mistake #2 – Trying To Figure Out Whether You’re Compatible With A Man On Your First Date

I was talking with a friend of mine recently.


She was sharing with me the qualities she thought would make her compatible with a man.


He had to be handsome… at least in her eyes. And she really wanted someone who could share her love of the outdoors.


I understood where she was coming from but as a dating coach who has helped women find their Mr. Right, I knew these qualities were not going to create compatibility for her.


Being compatible doesn’t mean having everything in common.


What does create compatibility are the values you have in common.


Often times, we put a high value on men with qualities like attractiveness and professionalism.


A man can make a lot of money, and yet be a snake in real life.


What you want to start to do is place a high value on a man who shares common values with you like honesty, monogamy or great communication skills.


Can you tell if a man has similar values on a first date?


Probably not. This is something you’ll find out as you go on more dates together.


But while you’re working on figuring this out, listen to his stories.


They will give you the clues to who he is and what he’s really about.


Mistake #3 – Believing A Man Should Complete You!

I can remember watching the movie Jerry Maguire back when it came out.


Practically every woman in the theater swooned hearing Tom Cruise tell Renee Zellweger the famous words “You complete me.”


Remember this?


It seemed so romantic didn’t it?


Yet there’s a problem here.


A man cannot complete you.


Only you can do that within yourself.


What a man can do is compliment you in a way that makes your life better.


Women love hearing words like the ones Tom spoke.


But most men are not about words when they show a woman how much she means to him.


Men are about action.


They’ll fix your car or mow the grass for you.


These are the ways he shows you he cares.


If you want him to continue showing you how much he cares…just be sure to thank him and appreciate him.


Men can amaze you if you let them.


Use what you learned in today’s blog post to check out the men you’re interested in and let me know how finding men based on values and their actions works out for you. The best place to find them is on a dating site.  Click this link to see some of my favorites.

Lisa’s favorite dating sites


Until next time~

Believing in You!


Your Next Steps to Love after 50. . . .

💞 Feeling like you are on a merry-go-round of mismatched dates? Lets press pause and talk about how we can write a new love story for you. Click here to start our conversation. Tell me your story – I am here to listen and guide you towards meeting someone truly special.

If you are still gearing up for that step, I have plenty of insights and inspiration for you:

1. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for heartfelt dating wisdom and uplifting success stories from women who have been just where you are. They found love, and so can you. Click here to watch and learn.

2. Discover a new chapter in your dating life with my book, "The Winning Dating Formula." It is more than a book; it is your journey to love mapped out. And it is just a click away on Amazon. Click here and start attracting the love you deserve.

3. Join our Finding Love after 50 Facebook group to find camaraderie and connection. It is a warm and welcoming space to share your journey and receive support every step of the way. Click here to become part of our community.

4. On the lookout for a dating site that resonates with you? Browse through my personal selection of the best dating sites tailor-made for fabulous over 50s. Click here and say goodbye to guesswork.

Let these resources be your steppingstones to a love life filled with promise and joy. When you are ready, I am here to take that journey with you. Together, lets find your Mr. Right! 🌹

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Copyright© 2024 Lisa Copeland. All rights reserved.

  1. Spot on regarding instant attraction.This type of feeling is purely chemical and can fizzle out as quickly as it fizzled in. Finding someone who you are comfortable with is always a good start. Great post, thanks for sharing.

    • So glad you enjoyed it Linda.

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